Sunday, 30 May 2021

How to Copy a 2014 Nissan Versa Key via Xhorse Dolphin XP005?

How to use Xhorse Dolphin XP005 Key Cutting Machine to duplicate a 2014 Nissan Versa NSN14 key? Now I’m gonna make a quick demo to show the steps.

First of all, it requires an original key & a key blank.

Fix the original key flat on the M1 clamp.



Open Xhorse app to connect Dolphin XP005 via Bluetooth, press

Vehicle database >> Nissan >> Versa >> E12(After 2013) >> NSN14 >> OK

Install M1 clamp tip align position 4. 

This type recommends use 1.5mm to cut.

Decode key >> Continue





Dolphin XP005 machine starts to decode...

(The duplicator will check to make sure alignment and position are good before cutting if you get an error, adjust and retry.)

Decode key success.

It will tell the bitting codes of the original key, confirm if the cut matches the original key.

If it is correct, remove the original one to insert the key blank on the M1 clamp.

Press cut to duplicate.

Dolphin XP005 machine starts cutting key...




Wait for processing until 100%.

Cutting key complete!

Brush off the new key and take it out to have a test.

It looks pretty good, it can switch the ignition.

2014 Nissan Versa NSN14 key duplication is successful!



Key cutting is simple and easy with the Xhorse app &Dolphin XP005 Automatic Machine.

Tuesday, 25 May 2021

How does Xhorse Dolphin XP007 Cut 206 Dimple Key?

Hey guys, this article will show you how to cut high security 206 dimple keyway keys using the Xhorse Dolphin XP-007, it's going to be really quick, super simple. 


Come with me let's get it done, in order to get started cutting high-security dimple keys in your Dolphin XP-007 today, you'll first need to purchase the keyless factory universal high-security cutter and decoder set for dimple keys,  it comes with four of the bits that you're going to need to do this job, the multi-lock 100 and 103 tracer as well as the multi-lock 90C and 93c cutters. 


It's already set up here in the Dolphin XP-007 is our regard blank for the 206 dimple keyway and we have our original. I've already put in the 100 guides on the right side here, you wanna start with a 90c cutter, they are going to be your inner dimple cutters. We are going to make sure that our 100 tracer is perfectly aligned, if you look inside this little plunger area there's a little pointed tip, that's our actual probe, make sure that's the first part to touch the surface during your calibration, and then come back and loosen up this one to match for the 90C cutter and turn it on and get to our first cuts. So the point of this little tip here, little plunger tip there is that it lines up with the actual dimple. So Make sure straight with it before, so as soon as it settles in you then pull down and it will only go as far as that tip your reach. 

Turn it off, loosen it up, tap it off, let it back in there lined up to the shoulder, start again, make sure your pressure is nice and gentle on these cuts you don't want to overdo, you push down and cut straight through that will be disastrous, so key's still in we're gonna go ahead and remove the 190c guide and cutter. 











So now after we've done, our first cuts were going to install our 93c cutter and 103 guides on the right side, put it in here, touch down, so now they're already lined up, I'm gonna go ahead and turn it back on. 

Power down, go ahead and flip it over, back in place lined up to the shoulder. Now that we have it in nice and tight everything still meets, we're gonna go ahead and try cutting again. 






Look at our key, all right so we got out guard cylinder here, key inserted that we just cut and we got ourselves a turn, bang boom.


That was it the combination of the keels factory, dimple cutters and guides with the Xhorse Dolphin XP007, made it really easy and possible to cut these 206 simple keyways which worked quite well.

Monday, 24 May 2021

How To Use Xhorse VVDI Mini Prog To Read EEPROM?

How to read an 8-legged EEPROM using the Xhorse VVDI Mini Prog & Xhorse app? Now I’m going to take a Bosch ECU which is an ST95040 EEPROM as an example.


Connect Mini Prog with the Xhorse app via Bluetooth.

Take off the outer case of ECU, go to

EEPROM and FLASH >> ST >> M95XXX >> M95040(pressure)





There are total of 3 head adapters in the Mini Prog Box, you can see the number on top. It shows here to use No.3 head, so what I have to do is to remove the pre-loaded head and install the No.3 head.

(Note: align the pin to install head, just twist to secure into place.)

Put the clip head over the top of EEPROM, press the pressure down.




Go to the Xhorse app, press

Read >> EEPROM >> Start operation >> Continue

Note: please DO NOT remove Mini Prog during processing.

At this time, the Mini Prog top screen will show “OK”.





Rename >> OK (selected “save & edit” will go to edit in next step)

Reading & saving file completed.

You can find the saved EEPROM data in “File management >> Local file”.



Moreover, buy Mini Prog + All Solder-Free Adapters will be much efficient when programming. It allows reading data without soldering, no need to dismantle any devices or cut wires. Extremely offering convenience for each mechanic.

Wednesday, 19 May 2021

How to use Xhorse XP-007 to duplicate #06 Dimple Key?

How to duplicate #06 dimple keyway high-security keys using Xhorse XP-007 manual key cutter. It's quick, simple, really easy to do, come along with me.

You'll first need to purchase the keyless factory universal high-security cutter and decoder set for dimple keys, it comes with four of the bits that you can need to do this job, the multi-lock 100, 103 tracer as well as the multi-lock 90c and 93C cutters.


that's first going to start here with the canard original on the left side, here are blank 100 guides here on the right side and are 90C cutter on the left side inside this little spring here, that is the actual probe that is guiding us to cut so we want to make sure that this is what hits first. 






So make sure that tip is touching not just the tip of the spring part, and then we bring him down to level. I do is make sure that this little guide point here on the print side is fully in your double before you start your car, you want to line that up, make sure it's nice and set and then finalize your touchdown, make sure your calibration beforehand, you don't want to overcome anything. 




Real quick flip line it back up to our shoulders stop and get right back to it, okay with those cuts down we're going to go ahead and get these taken out. 



Now moving onto our 93c cutter and 103 guides same deal here you're going to make sure that you line up the guide, first height-wise for the z-axis before you line up your cutter to make sure you can't overcut, these holes. 






Okay, we're ready to cut, we got our cylinder we got our newly cut key, let's give that a test, that's a perfect turn.


Xhorse XP-007 along with this keyless factory four-pack of dimple cutters and guides worked out perfectly.